Home / Students Announcements / Dance Academy/Hip Hop Reminders


DANCE ACADEMY 8 PHOTO SHOOT TODAY please come to the studio immediately at lunch as we need to start photos at 11:45am sharp.


ROYAL BAY SHOW TONIGHT Dance Academy 6 & 8 meet Miss A at Royal Bay at 7:00pm (IN COSTUME!) – DO NOT BE LATE!

6’s: “Me, Too” – bodysuit, pants, jacket, scrunchy, jazz shoes (high pony)

8’s: “Tears Ricochet” – black dress, bare feet/foot undeez, low pony


Student Choreo. PHOTO SHOOT: The Student Choreo Photo Shoot (for dances in recital) is tomorrow (Wednesday) at lunch in the studio.  Come with hair/make-up DONE and with your group pose ready.


HIP HOP CREWS: This Friday is your last class after school with Dyllon – all costumes/shoes should be taken home now and ready to bring to the theatre on Monday night (Dress Rehearsal).  If you are in DMSIZ, your costumes should still be in the studio as you are performing this Friday morning!