Interested in playing Volleyball this year? Come on out to the drop-in sessions starting TODAY!
Important: In order to play on any of the school teams you must have attended at least 1 of the days.
- Tuesdays 3-4pm: Grade 6s and Grade 7s
- Wednesdays 3-4pm: Grade 8s
- Sign-ups are posted outside the gym doors on the bulletin board
Dunsmuir is planning a trip for Spring Break 2026. Students in grade 6 & 7 will have the opportunity to travel to:
There will be an information meeting tomorrow at lunch in the learning commons. See Mr. D.P., Ms. Marsh, or Mr. Dodd for more details!
Please come to Ms. Marsh’s room (102) at lunch today for a brief meeting about the Food Drive.
Thank you.
All Grade ⅞ Competitive team basketball players please meet in the Chrome Lab at lunch recess for a brief meeting
Interested in playing Volleyball this year? Come on out to the drop-in sessions starting this week!
Important: In order to play on any of the school teams you must have attended at least 1 of the days.
- Tuesdays 3-4pm: Grade 6/7
- Wednesdays 3-4pm: Grade 8
Sign-ups are posted outside the gym doors on the bulletin board
Interested in playing Volleyball this year? Come on out to the drop-in sessions starting next week!
Important: In order to play on any of the school teams you must have attended at least 1 of the days.
- Tuesdays 3-4pm: Grade 6/7
- Wednesdays 3-4pm: Grade 8
- Sign-ups are posted outside the gym doors on the bulletin board
Holiday festive door decorating is coming back this year – with a slight modification.
More details will be released in the coming weeks.
Attention all ⅞ Girls Competitive Players! Your playoff game has been scheduled for 3:30pm today at Cedar Hill.
🧮 Love Math?
📐 Enjoy Solving Puzzles?
📊 Up for a Challenge?
Join Math Club!
Sign up outside the Library.
Information Meeting TODAY! at Lunch in the ChromeLab.
See Mrs. McKean if you have any questions.
Thank you to everyone who made the Night Market and the Book Fair a success. The student-tables were better than ever, Dunsmuir students represented well at the Night Market.
A special thank you to Cynthia M who organized the whole event.
- Cell phones should not be taken out of backpacks to use until students are OUTSIDE OF THE SCHOOL BUILDING at the end of the school day.
- Cell phones are to remain in backpacks all day, not in pockets.
Things went pretty smoothly for the first month of school, but we have noticed that some students are forgetting this important rule.